How to increase resolution for an image in mac
How to increase resolution for an image in mac

In this issue I will show you which Apple and tech news I particularly noticed in calendar week 6 of 2023. That's why it's time again for a Sir Apfelot newsreel this Friday. The year is slowly but surely moving forward, and so is the tech world. If you hold down the Alt key while you drag a photo to save or edit it from the Photos app, it will be moved in its original size as well as in its original format. If you want to continue to use drag and drop, so simply drag photos and images with the mouse into a folder, on the desk or in an app for image editing, then I recommend you the option button! This is also called the Alt or Option key and usually has the symbol ⌥ on the Mac keyboard. Export high resolution photos from the Photos app A smaller photo (4.5MB) is not reduced by drag and drop. The behavior seems to be like this when it exceeds a certain photo size. 18MB) from the Photos app onto the desktop or into the download folder and the photo is then extremely small and shows in the information that it is only 160px x 120px. The reader's question describes the following: The same thing happens when you export photos via the "File" menu. Regardless of the original format, a JPEG file is usually also made from it. If you take image files directly from the Photos app in order to move or copy them to a new storage location, the file may be compressed. Sir Apfelot recommendation: Clean up your Mac hard drive with CleanMyMac Photos app automatically compresses pictures as they are moved

How to increase resolution for an image in mac