There is so much more.Mutter definitely reveals more about Rammstein as a band than their first two albums, but it was almost their breaking point. Okay, but this is only our second time doing this, right? If only making an album was writing songs and then putting them on tape. There is pressure to expand your sound, define things better, and move forward. Most bands and artists fail in some way, as did I when I recorded roF analA. However, I am not putting Rammstein down at all, but they make one great collective sound on this album.It is difficult coming up with a second album.

Instead, he follows the guitarists and chews the scenery in some songs. Lindemann did not quite master his persona at this point, nor his signature characteristics that we see on later albums. However, because I do not understand German, sometimes it is a little difficult to sympathize with his emotions. They were dated when this album came out, really.With the exception of 'Klavier,' Sehnsucht tends to be a little one-dimensional.įlake seems to be taking a back seat in several songs, and the focus definitely centers more around Lindemann's vocals. Also, I really do not like the saturated guitar tones of this album. I get that he became a main creative force behind the band in the late nineties, but he and Paul Landers seem to be chewing the scenery on Sehnsucht.

If I may though, I would like to point out a few problems I have with Rammstein: Richard Kruspe.Richard is a great guitar player, although as the 'lead' guitar player he plays about as much 'lead' guitar as Munky or Head from Korn. Sehnsucht reminds me that Rammstein were once a nineties metal band rather than the German Led Zeppelin they became within the past decade.But there is nothing wrong with Sehnsucht. I mean, Reise, Reise and Rosenrot are masterpieces that I would have never seen coming had I been a fan of the band before 2012. Sehnsucht is a little more difficult for me to review, because it is one of the Rammstein albums I tend to neglect.